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I decided to take the time to write a blog to reach out to others who may be on a similar path as I am on.   I am thirty-seven, leaving a career that I spent much of my early adult life trying to get to, and have a high level of anxiety about the future that lays ahead of me.   That being said, I thought it'd be interesting to write a blog about things that I have learned during this midlife journey and maybe discover why my ambitions have changed so drastically.  So where to begin....

I suppose one of the most interesting things I have discovered are the complexities of love.   Love seems to be the ultimate purpose of living.  It is what drives many people.  It certainly drives me.  The word itself has many different uses , but the one concept that I believe is love is infinite.  To be more exact, once you love a person you can never hate that person.  Nor can you just become indifferent to that person.  What is most perplexing to me, however, is the way people treat others who they supposedly loved.   As an attorney, I have witnessed hundreds of people try to destroy those they allegedly once lived .  The keyword being "once."  Many of them would state that, although once they were in love with that person, they had fallen out of love due to whatever newly developed characteristic or unknown trait.   And while I do believe we all change to varying degrees, I cannpt find this developed or hidden characteristics as reason to "fall out of love."  It seems in every existential discovery hidden traits are found and characteristics are developed.  Which leads me to what I hope others can give there two cents to.

If love is infinite, is it not logical in my reasoning to assert that a newly developed characteristic or unknown trait cannot create a way for a person to fall out of love because the individual who whether unknowing or knowingly deceived another of a trait that they had as if they didn't or develope a characteristic that once was not there still is inpart the individual they were when the person who alleges to have fallen out love was when they had fallen in love white that individual?  Thoughts....
